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At Cedar Spring Baptist Church, we seek to minister to our adults as well as our children and youth. We know that adults have their own special spiritual needs. At Cedar Spring, our goal is to care for our single adults in their college and career years, young adults who are starting families, maturing adults with grown children, and senior adults who enjoying grandchildren.

1. Sunday School

Cedar Spring has a variety of adult Sunday School classes.​

  • Co-Ed Adult Class:

The Co-Ed Adult Class is geared toward all adults.

  • Ruth Class:

The Ruth Class is open to ladies of all ages.

  • Joe Webb Class:

The Joe Webb Class is led by senior adult men.


2. Special Seminars and Bible Studies

At Cedar Spring, we attempt to provide learning opportunities that are helpful for our adults. Throughout the year, Cedar Spring hosts special studies such as the Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, Henry Blackaby’s Experiencing God Bible study, Don Piper’s 90 Minutes in Heaven Bible study, and a “Green Thumb” gardening course.


3. Special Events

Through our special events, Cedar Spring seeks to minister to our adults and their families. In the past, Cedar Spring has hosted special speakers such as Rev. Don Piper, New York Times Bestselling Author of the book, 90 Minutes in Heaven. Through these and other special events, we seek to share the love of Christ with others.


4. Fellowship

We believe that Christian fellowship is vital to a healthy church.  It is through fellowship that we grow in our love for Christ and in our love for each other. In John 13:35 (NIV), Jesus said, “…everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  We at Cedar Spring Baptist Church are a family. Through our worship of God and our work for His name, all that we do is done in the spirit of fellowship. If you're looking for a place where you can belong and a church family that cares for you, we invite you to visit us.


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