The Children’s Ministry of Cedar Spring Baptist Church provides a well-balanced program of biblical instruction and fun activities for our children. Our goal as a church is minister to both our children and their families.
Vacation Bible School
Each summer, Cedar Spring hosts a five-day Vacation Bible School (VBS) in the evenings. It begins with a light supper followed by classes for children ages 4 years and up, youth, and adults. A kickoff/registration afternoon is held prior to the VBS week. Not only does this provide an opportunity to register early for VBS, but it also includes fun activities and snacks for the family. VBS is always a fun-filled week of activities and learning. The entire family and the community are welcome!
Special Children’s Events
Throughout the calendar year, Cedar Spring hosts a variety of children's events such as an Easter egg hunt, summer water games, Trunk or Treat Halloween event, a Christmas “Happy Birthday Jesus” party, “Children’s Nativity” presentation, and many other special children's activities.
Kidz Worship
A separate children’s time is provided for the young worshipers kindergarten through 5th grade during the 10:30 am service. Children of these ages will attend the Worship Service and then depart with a children’s leader following the music portion prior to the sermon. During the Kidz Worship time, children will enjoy age-appropriate lessons which can include Bible verses, songs, crafts, activities, and games. Special lessons are also planned during this time to coordinate with holidays and other events.
A nursery is provided for infants through 4 years during both Sunday School and the Worship Service. The nursery is staffed by adults who care for and nurture these youngest worship attenders through songs, stories and interactive play. The nursery area has separate rooms for infants and toddlers and is supplied with needed items for care as well as age-appropriate toys and books for enjoyment.
Children's Music
Children are given regular opportunities to participate in the music portion of the Worship service through songs and handbell performances that are led by a group of talented adults who have a love and passion for praising God through music. Practice for upcoming performances is held during part of the Kidz Worship time.