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Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior, being baptized, and finding a church home is only the beginning of your lifelong spiritual journey. At Cedar Spring, we believe that God wants all Christians to continue to mature in their faith. Here are three suggestions in helping you grow spiritually…

1. Pray daily.

Prayer is how we as Christians communicate with God. Through prayer, we praise God, we confess our sins, we pray for others, and we pray for ourselves. God hears our prayers and answers those prayers according to His will.

2. Read your Bible daily.

God has given us the Bible as a guide for the Christian life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, God uses the Bible to guide us in His truth. The Bible is the standard by which we should live. It is important that you develop a personal devotion time where you daily spend time reading God’s Word. 


3. Become involved.

As a Christian, you are called to become involved in what God is doing in this world. God is constantly at work and wants you to join Him in that work. Pray for God to show you your place in His ultimate will.


Cedar Spring Baptist Church
140 Cedar Springs Place
Spartanburg, SC 29302


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